Monday, 20 July 2015

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5 Basic Tactics To Grow Traffic From Twitter. Number 2 is Quite Peculiar.

In case you’ve been studying Social Media Marketing for at least a while, you should have noticed that the amount of tactics just doesn’t seem to end.

There are hundreds of SMM experts who feel obliged to update their blogs every week and so they just keep coming up with new “tips & tricks” to teach their readers.

And so you end up reading something like: “Tip #138 – Order a few dozen air balloons with your Twitter username printed on them and go give them out in the nearest shopping center.” Nonsense.

So in this article I’d like to focus on a few fundamental things. I don’t care if you’ve heard them before, but I can give you my word that they are the ones that drive you real traffic from Twitter. Everything else is just fluff.

1. Ask and you shall receive!

Believe it or not, but the easiest way to get traffic from Twitter is to ask someone for a tweet. You will be surprised by how many people are likely to oblige just because you asked nicely.

This can be your friends, your blog readers or even well known bloggers who you’ve decided to reach out to

Once you finish your article, don’t forget to ask your readers for a tweet. You’ve just given them some cool information for free and many of them will feel obliged to return you the favour.

5 Basic Tactics To Grow Traffic From Twitter. Number 2 is Quite Peculiar.

Making other people tweet your content is the most fundamental strategy of Twitter Marketing.

2. Motivate your readers to tweet.

Ask yourself: “What would motivate me to post something to Twitter?”

Studies have shown that people love sharing things that make them look good in the eyes of their following. And thus they mostly tweet things that are:

  1. smart;
  2. valuable;
  3. funny.

Unfortunately tweeting your article might not feel this way. But what if you fill your article with short smart and valuable takeaways that could be tweeted? People might want to share them with their followers.

Lots of bloggers already use this tactic and they try to put at least one “tweetable quote” to every new article that they publish. And their followers are happy to get a cool sound bite that they can send to their Twitter feed.

In case you’re wondering how to create those quotes that can be tweeted with a click, I suggest you take a look at ClickToTweet online service and TweetDis plugin for WordPress. Whichever is more convenient for you.

3. Tell me who your friends are.

Irrespective of what industry you are in, there are bound to be plenty of Twitter influencers. These are the people who have thousands of followers and whose recommendations can really help drive traffic to you.

Engage with these Twitter influencers, talk about them in blog posts, set up interviews and group interviews with them, be a part of industry roundups, and when you do talk about them, let them know using @mention.

Sooner or later you’re going to make friends with some of them. And they will be happy to share your content with their Twitter following just like you’re sharing their content with yours.

4. Make Retweeting Easy

Most users on social media sites don’t want to waste too much time trying to figure out how to share a post or article. Make it easy for them!

Have a tweet button floating at their site all the time as they read through the article. You never know which paragraph will make them want to share your work on Twitter. You can use any social sharing plugin from our collection.

If your content is worth its salt and you are making it easy for people to retweet it, it will start spreading on its own and get you plenty of traffic from Twitter.

5. Write Evergreen Content

Twitter is a real-time social media sharing website. So you should focus all your attention on creating blog posts about current events, right? Not necessarily.

There is something to be said about creating evergreen content that will be relevant for at least a year or more. By choosing the right topics and giving sensible advice, you may be able to create content that will pay dividends for a long time to come.

5 Basic Tactics To Grow Traffic From Twitter. Number 2 is Quite Peculiar.

Keep generating traffic toward your evergreen posts by scheduling tweets using WordPress plugins like Revive Old Post or simply scheduling your tweets with Hootsuite.
It doesn’t get simpler than that – create valuable content (evergreen or current), fill it with tweetable quotes, ask people to tweet them in a straightforward manner, and get Twitter influencers and authorities to vouch for you!
The crucial thing is to focus on getting more people to tweet your articles which drives traffic from Twitter, and not focus only on the number of your followers.
What are the strategies you’re following to grow traffic from Twitter?


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